Community Assistance

Within any community there are individuals that may need assistance in various ways. Are you such an individual or do you know someone who needs assistance?

I Need Some Assistance

The Shire has established two registers: I Need Some Assistance and I Can Provide Assistance. If you, or someone you know, is in need of assistance to get essential items or who may need checking up on or a phone call once a week, then please consider registering on the I Need Some Assistance register.

To register contact the Shire’s Recovery & Leasing Officer on (08) 9575 5138 or complete the online form below.

You/someone may be considered in need if they:

  • Are frail (single or couple)
  • Have mobility issues
  • Are aged and live alone
  • Are not aged but have significant barriers, no local support or live alone

Other considerations may include:

  • People who have recently moved to the area and have not yet established community connections
  • Households with disabled family members
  • Stranded interstate and international travellers
  • Households struggling to put food on the table due to the loss of employment

I Can Provide Assistance

If you would like to make an offer of assistance or you would like to volunteer in some way then the Shire has established an I Can Provide Assistance register.

To register, contact the Shire’s Recovery & Leasing Officer on (08) 9575 5138 or complete the online form below.

You could offer things like:

  • Picking up essentials for those on the I Need Some Assistance register
  • Sharing excess essential items with your fellow community members, e.g. maybe you have extra toilet paper, pantry items, etc. that is surplus to your needs.

Or you may just like to donate non-perishables to the Gingin CRC’s Pop-Up Pantry (a community initiative).


Sign up to the I Need Some Assistance and I Can Provide Assistance registers using the below online form. 

Which register are you signing up for?*This field is required.
If you selected the 'I Need Some Assistance' register, in what way do you require assistance?

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