Digital Literacy
Be Connected - Be Connected aims to improve confidence, skills and online safety of Australians. It is an Australian Government initiative empowering people to thrive in the digital world. Access eResource
eSafety Commissioner - eSafety aims to help Australians navigate the internet safely. Access eResource
GCF Global – Free Education - The Goodwill Community Foundation offers free online courses on technical and creative topics. These aim to improve skills and knowledge using videos, games and interactive lessons. Access eResource
Scamwatch - Scamwatch is an online resource of the latest scams, scam news and tips for Australians. The site has an option to report scams to the ACCC. Access eResource
Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks. It largely contains books that are in the public domain. These have been digitised by volunteers. Access eResource
Historical Panoramas - Historical Panoramas features panoramic photographs of Perth and Fremantle. These panoramas show how Perth has developed over a period of more than 150 years. Access eResource
Khan Academy - Khan Academy produces short video lessons and includes practice exercises and materials for educators. All resources are free. Access eResource
Atlas of Living Australia - The Atlas of Living Australia is an online database of Australian biodiversity. It includes education resources, interactive maps and citizen science projects. Access eResource
OldPerth - Navigate through space and time with the OldPerth project created in cooperation with Curtin University HIVE. Explore thousands of State Library images that are geotagged with an interactive map. This resource includes lesson plans for teachers and classroom activities. Access eResource
Open Library - Open Library collects details of published books. It also holds loanable copies of eBooks including some about or from Australia. It makes audiobooks available to print for disabled people. Access eResource
The National Library of Australia - The National Library of Australia collects and preserves items of national significance. It holds the world's largest library collection relating to Australia and Australian people. Access eResource
Kindergarten to Year 6
Busy Things Online - Busythings helps children learn important skills in the key learning areas of creative development, problem solving, reasoning, numeracy, communication, language and literacy. Access eResource
Access Type: With a Shire of Gingin Library card
Year 7 to Year 12
Aussie Driver - Aussie Driver provides practice learner driving tests. It also contains comprehensive information on Western Australian road rules. Access eResource
Australian Dictionary of Biography - The Australian Dictionary of Biography contains biographical information on over 13,000 people. It is a useful source of historical information on notable Australians. Access eResource
Design and Art Australia Online - Design & Art Australia Online contains data about Australian artists, designers, craftspeople and curators. The site is a space for people to share and analyse data about Australian art and design history. Access eResource
Duolingo - Duolingo is a language-learning website and mobile app. Through bit-size lessons, it makes learning a language fun. Access eResource
EPA Climate Change - The EPA Climate Change site contains a wealth of information on climate change, including facts, research and resources. It also suggests ways to reduce emissions, from the national to individual level. Access eResource
Map Search - Map Search allows layering of various historical Australian maps over current maps. It provides an interactive way of exploring how places have changed over time. Access eResource
National Archives of Australia - The National Archives of Australia collects, preserves and provides access to Government records. Many records are available online for professional research or personal interest. Access eResource
NationalMap - NationalMap is an online map-based tool. It allows easy access to spatial data from Australian government agencies. Various datasets can be overlaid and explored on the map. Access eResource
Year 11 and 12 WA Curriculum - SCSA's pages on the senior school WA curriculum is a helpful source of information for students studying for ATAR or WACE qualifications. The site includes course materials, syllabuses and supporting material. Access eResource