Food Safety
Food safety is very important when you want to run a food business and one of the top priorities of the Shire's Health Services team is to ensure that safe food is sold from food businesses in our Shire.
Annually food poisoning affects 5.1 million people around the nation and consequences can range from gastroenteritis to death in some cases. The Shire monitors all food businesses and requires that they comply with the Food Standards Australia & New Zealand.
Prior to purchase, design and construction of a food business you should contact the Shire so that you can find out about and apply any Planning, Building and Health requirements.
The Shire's Health Team conduct a number of key food hygiene services which include:
- Food premises inspections;
- Food sampling for bacterial and chemical analysis - both random and Health Department of Western Australia food monitoring programs;
- Investigations of food complaints;
- Investigations of food-borne illnesses (after receiving confirmed notifications from The Department of Health);
- Food recalls after contamination or deterioration of food products;
- Food labelling compliance;
- Approving new premises to current health standards and legislation; and
- Regulating and approving food stalls for one-off or temporary functions.
FREE Food Safety Training Program
The Shire of Gingin, in conjunction with Environmental Health Australia, is pleased to offer a free online training tool (I'M ALERT) which is designed to educate anyone dealing with food hygiene. This program is specifically for community groups, schools and not for profit organisations offering food services.
A more comprehensive food safety education program is available for commercial businesses and they can contact the Shire’s Health team for this information.
For more information about the I'M ALERT Food Safety Training initiative please click here.
To complete the free online training course, please go to the link below and follow the prompts:
I'M ALERT Food Safety Interactive Training
Further Information
Please contact the Shire's Health Team on (08) 9575 5100 or email