
Every local government is required under the Local Government Act 1995 to produce a Budget annually which outlines sources of revenue and expenditure items for the financial year ahead (being 1 July - 30 June the following year). 

The Budget forms one part of four for the Shire's Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework (IPR Suite). This suite of documents includes the Shire's Strategic Community Plan (10 year plan), Corporate Business Plan (4 year plan), the Annual Budget (1 year plan) and Annual Report (an annually produced report which measures Council's progress towards achieving the objectives listed in the 3 aforementioned plans).

Each document feeds into the other with the Strategic Community Plan created based upon community feedback received at it's major review which occurs every four years. The purpose of the IPR Suite is to ensure that Council is actioning the Community's preferred projects in addition to ongoing service provision such as roads, rubbish, etc.    

Adopted Budget 2023/24

Budget Bulletin 2023/24

Fees & Charges

Annually Council reviews and sets a list of Fees & Charges for the Shire of Gingin at the beginning of each financial year. These fees and charges assist the Shire in maintaining public facilities and providing services to the community.

Fees & Charges 2024/25