Local governments in WA are required to keep a number of registers for various reasons under the Local Government Act 1995 and to make them available for public viewing.
Delegation Register
The aim of delegated authority is to assist with improving the time taken to make decisions within the constraints allowed by relevant legislation and to ensure decisions are made lawfully by the delegate. Section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) allows for a local government to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the authority to exercise any of its powers and duties under the Act except the power to delegate items listed in Section 5.43. All delegations made by Council must be by an absolute majority decision.
Further to this, Section 5.44 of the Act allows the Chief Executive Officer to delegate (in writing) any of their powers or duties (other than the power to delegate) to another employee. The Act also allows for the Chief Executive Officer to impose conditions on any delegations if they desire.
Other legislation may also grant powers of delegation.
The Shire of Gingin’s Delegated Authority Register (linked below) contains details of all delegations to committees, the Chief Executive Officer and employees made under the Local Government Act 1995 and other relevant legislation. It also includes authorised persons and officers appointed by Council.
The Delegation of Authority Register is reviewed annually in accordance with the Act.
Register of Complaints
All complaints against the Shire of Gingin's Elected Members that result in a finding by the Local Government Standards Panel (under section 5.110(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995) that a minor breach has occurred must be recorded in a register of complaints.
Section 5.121(3) requires the CEO to publish an up-to-date version of the register of complaints on the local government’s official website.
Register of Councillor Training
Under section 5.127 of the Local Government Act 1995, local governments are to prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by Elected Members that year and to publish the report on its website.
Register of Elected Member Allowances & Payments
In accordance with Regulation 29C. of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, local governments are required to publish on their website the type and the amount or value of any fees, expenses or allowances paid to each council member during a financial year.
Allowance/Payment Type
Councillors |
Individual Meeting Allowance |
Information Communication Technology Allowance |
Additional Local Government Allowance |
Travel Reimbursement |
Cr Wayne Fewster |
$15,600.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$16,000.00 Shire President
01/07/2023 - 30/06/2024
$1,530.55 |
Cr Linda Balcombe |
$8,320.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$ 2,270.00
Deputy Shire President 21/11/2023 - 30/06/2024
Nil |
Cr Frank Johnson |
$8,320.00 |
$2,500 paid $1,800 refunded by Cr |
Nil |
$1,169.96 |
Cr Robert Kestel |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Cr Frank Peczka |
$8,320.00 |
$2,500.00 |
Nil |
$2,677.73 |
Cr Kim Rule 01/07/2023 - 21/10/2023 |
$2,558.40 |
$768.75 |
Nil |
Nil |
Cr Erik Sorensen |
$8,320.00 |
$2,500.00 |
Nil |
$1,801.88 |
Cr Lincoln Stewart 21/10/2023 -30/06/2024 |
$5,761.60 |
$1,731.25 |
Nil |
$810.18 |
Cr Andrea Vis 01/07/2023 - 21/10/2023 |
$2,558.40 |
$768.75 |
$1,230 Deputy Shire President
01/07/2023 - 21/11/2023
Nil |
Cr Jason Weeks 21/10/2023 - 30/06/2024 |
$5,761.60 |
$1,731.25 |
Nil |
$1,628.60 |
Cr Nikki Woods 21/10/2023 - 30/06/2024 |
$5,761.60 |
$1,731.25 |
Nil |
$1,628.60 |
Register of Gifts
Elected Members, the CEO and employees of a local government are required to disclose gifts received in association with their official capacity with the local government. The CEO is to maintain Registers of Gifts and to publish up-to-date versions of the Registers on the Shire’s website.
Elected Members and CEO
Sections 5.87A and 5.87B of the Local Government Act 1995, which came into effect on 20 October 2019, requires Elected Members and the CEO to disclose any gifts (including contributions to travel) with a value exceeding $300 (or two or more gifts with a cumulative value exceeding $300 where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period) within 10 days of receipt, where the gift is associated with their local government role.
Register of Gifts for Councillors and CEO (from 20 October 2019)
Register of Gifts (29 November 2016 to 19 October 2019)
Local Government Employees
Employees are required to disclose gifts in accordance with the Shire of Gingin Code of Conduct for Employees.
Reportable Gifts Register (from 10 May 2018)
Electoral Gifts
In accordance with Regulation 30G of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997, the Shire of Gingin maintains an Electoral Gifts Register that details certain information of electoral gift declarations made by candidates and donors during local government elections.
Electoral Gifts Register
Register of Primary & Annual Returns
The Local Government Act 1995 requires elected members and employees to make decisions in the best interests of the community and decision-making must be transparent, accountable and free from bias or conflicts of interest. In view of this, elected members and employees (with delegated authority) must disclose certain personal information when they commence and every subsequent year while either elected, or employed at the Shire of Gingin. These disclosures are called Primary Returns and Annual Returns.
A Primary Return is a snapshot of personal financial information as it exists upon the start date of an elected member or an employee. An Annual Return retrospectively discloses any changes to the information previously disclosed, or any new interest information to disclose since completing their last return.
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 local governments are required to publish a list of elected members (by name) and employees (by position) that lodged a primary return and annual return for each financial year, commencing after 1 July 2020.
Register of Primary & Annual Returns 2024/2025
Register of Primary & Annual Returns 2023/2024
Tender Register
The Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 (Reg. 17) require the CEO to maintain a tender register that is available for public inspection. The tender register is to contain information for each invitation to tender which includes:
- A brief description of the goods or services required;
- Particulars of any notice by which expressions of interest from prospective tenders was sought, any person who submitted an expression of interest and a list of any acceptable tenderers that was prepared under the regulation;
- A copy of the notice of invitation to tender;
- The name of each bidder who’s tender was opened; and
- The name of any successful tenderer and the amount of the consideration or summary of the amount of consideration accepted by the local government.
Register of Tenders (2020 - current)