Welcome to the Shire of Gingin’s youth webspace. This information is for you if you are aged between 12 - 25 and live across the diverse regional and coastal areas that make up the Shire. Here you will find information on support services available to you, things to do, awards and volunteer opportunities.
We would love to hear from you if you have ideas for events or things you would like to see in the Shire. Fill in the “I have a suggestion” form below.
Youth Support Services
Life can be tough, and the pressures of school, work, friends and family can get overwhelming at times. However, you don’t have to work through things on your own. There are lots of free services available to help you out when things are hard, when you just need someone to speak to or some more information and support to get you through.
Kids Helpline Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800
Beyond Blue Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support - Beyond Blue
Headspace headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Lifeline Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 - Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention. (chat online, text or call)
Mindspot https://www.mindspot.org.au/
REACH OUT https://au.reachout.com/
Within REACH https://www.facebook.com/withinreachwheatbelt/

Youth Awards
“Young people willing to push super hard to make something happen are among the most powerful forces in the world.” Sam Altman
"Whatever you do, do it well." Walt Disney
As a young person you make an important contribution to creating a thriving community across the Shire of Gingin. If you know of someone aged under 25 who is doing something awesome then you can nominate them for the awards below. You can even nominate yourself for the WA Youth Awards.
Australia Day Awards
Each year the Shire of Gingin partners with the Australia Day Council WA to run the Community Citizen of the Year Awards. The awards celebrate individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the community over the last year, or over several years.
People aged under 25 can be nominated in the Youth category using the link below. All nominees and award recipients are formally recognised at the Shire’s Australia Day Breakfast each year. The cut-off date to nominate is 31 October each year.
WA Youth Awards
The WA Youth Awards were established in 1999 to recognise young Western Australians aged 12 to 25 years for their achievements and contributions to the community. The Awards also reward outstanding youth groups and organisations that serve and support the state’s young people.
Click the link below to find further details
Being involved in the community is a great way to give back, meet new people and develop skills that will help you in work and life.
There are a whole range of amazing community groups across Gingin that can suit your interests – from craft, to fighting bushfires, to sporting activities and helping at community events.
Check out all the groups at the link below and don’t be shy, they would love to hear from you!
Sporting Groups
Staying active is a great way to improve physical and mental health, and to make new friends. There are a whole range of sporting groups across the Shire who are always looking for more people to be involved.
Gingin Eagles Football Club - Mortlock Football League
E: ginginfc@outlook.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/ginginfootballclub/
Gingin Junior Football
W: https://www.facebook.com/ginginjuniorfootball
Gingin Eagles Netball - Mortlock Netball Association
E: gingineagles@hotmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/gingineaglesnetball
Gingin Netball Club - South Midlands Netball Association
E: secretarygnc@outlook.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/Gingin-Netball-Club-455304844628369/
Gingin Hockey Club - Mortlock Hockey Association
E: Ginginhockeyclub@yahoo.com.au
W: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486563693520174/
Gingin Tennis Club – Moore District WA
E: gingintennisclub@gmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/gingintennisclub/
Gingin Reds Cricket Club
W: www.facebook.com/GinginRedsCricket
Gingin Elite Dance
E: ginginelitedance@hotmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/GinginEliteDance/
Roxanne’s Dance Workshop
E: roxannesdance@bigpond.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/RoxannesDanceWorkshop
Lancelin Ledge Point Pirates Football Club -Central Midlands Coastal Football League
E: llfcpriates@gmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/LLFCPIRATES/
Lancelin Ledge Point Pirates Netball - Central Midlands Coastal Netball League
E: llfcpriates@gmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/LLFCPIRATES/
Lancelin Ledge Point Pirates Hockey -Central Midlands Coastal Hockey League
E: llfcpriates@gmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/Lancelin-Ledge-Point-Hockey-Club-142176779778182/
Events & Activities
Youth Week
Youth Week WA runs early April and is the biggest celebration of young people on the Western Australian youth calendar.
The Shire runs a series of events each year. In 2023, the Shire celebrated Youth Week with a Youth Fun Day in Guilderton and Barefoot Bowls evening in Gingin.
Keep an eye out for this year’s plans.
Shire Events
Gravity Discovery Centre
A:1098 Military Road, Gingin WA 6503
T: 08 9575 75 77
W: https://gravitycentre.com.au/
Caladenia Mini Golf
A: 108 Caladenia Road, Wanerie WA 6503
T: 0438 757 708 Lorraine or 0417 940 563 Wayne
W: https://www.caladeniaminigolf.com.au/
DADAA Lancelin
A: 131 Gingin Rd, Lancelin WA 6044
T: 9655 2808
W: https://www.dadaa.org.au/
Gingin Aquatic Centre
A: Weld Street, Gingin WA 6503
T: 9575 5154
W: https://www.facebook.com/ginginaquaticcentre
Youth Reports & Publications
Youth Strategy 2019 - 2023
These spaces across the Shire can be enjoyed by you and your friends to chill out, have a BBQ or play sports in.
Granville Park
Playground and open space
A: Weld Street, GINGIN WA 6503
Gingin Outdoor Activity Space
Playground, Skate Park and Half-Court Basketball
A: 12 Weld Street, GINGIN WA 6503
Gingin Recreation Oval
Footy Oval, Hockey Oval, Swimming Pool, Playground and Tennis/Netball Courts
A: New St, GINGIN WA 6503
Book spaces by visiting: https://ginginrecreationcentre.skedda.com/booking
Swimming Pool opening hours can be found on the Facebook page here.
Gingin Aquatic Centre
A: Weld Street, Gingin WA 6503
Pool Season October to April https://www.facebook.com/ginginaquaticcentre/
Woodridge Park
Playground, Tennis Courts
A: 13 Kind Drive, WOODRIDGE WA 6041
Gabbadah Park
Playground and open space
A: 31 Gordon Street, GUILDERTON WA 6041
Guilderton Community Hall Park
Park is situated in front of Hall and includes a tennis court, playground, skate park, mini golf and footgolf. Note: there is a small charge for some activities and details are listed at location.
Note: there is a small charge for some activities and details are listed at location.
A: Edwards Street, GUILDERTON WA 6041
Guilderton Foreshore
A: Wedge Street, GUILDERTON WA 6041
Redfield Park
Redfield Park (behind the community hall)
A: 106 Paperbark Avenue, GABBADAH WA 6041
Seabird Community Hall
Oval, Tennis Court, Cricket Net
A: Chalon Avenue, SEABIRD WA 6041
Frank Douglas Park
Playground and open space
A: Chalon Avenue, SEABIRD WA 6042
Ledge Point
Key Biscayne Park
Open Space grassed, Swing Set, playground, BBQ facilities, lookout (on the beach)
A: 2 Robertson Road, LEDGE POINT WA 6043
Ledge Point Skate Park and Playground
Oval, Tennis Court, Playground, Basketball Court, Skate Park, Outdoor Fitness Equipment
A: 18 Turner Street, LEDGE POINT WA 6043
Pioneer Park
Swing set and slide in grassed area
A: 8 Miragliotta Street, LANCELIN WA 6044
Harold Park & Memorial Park
A: Gingin Road, LANCELIN WA 6044
Wanagree Park
Playground, skate park, outdoor exercise equipment, open space
A: Rock Way/Gingin Road, LANCELIN WA 6044
If you have a suggestion for us, we would love to hear from you! You can fill in the form below or have a chat to our Community Development Officer on (08) 9575 5176.