Local Government October 2023 Election Results
Please see link below for results of the Shire of Gingin October 2023 Local Government Election:
Electoral Gifts Register
To view this Register, please visit the Council Registers section of our website.
Local Government Elections
Ordinary local government elections are held every two years, on the third Saturday in October.
The next Local Government Election Day is Saturday, 18 October 2025 and will be conducted as a postal election by the WA Electoral Commission.
Information for Candidates
In order to stand for election as a Council member, you must:
- be 18 years of age or older;
- be an elector of the Shire of Gingin;
- not be nominating as a candidate in another election; and
- have completed the mandatory online induction course.
Further information for candidates is available from the following links:
Western Australian Electoral Commission
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Contacting the Returning Officer
The next local government elections will take place in October 2025. The WAEC will appoint a Returning Officer for the Shire of Gingin 2-3 months prior to election day, and contact details will be provided at that time.
Information for Electors
If you live in or own rateable property in the Shire of Gingin and meet the relevant eligibility criteria, then you are entitled to vote at Council elections. However, you must be enrolled on either the Residents Roll or the Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll in order to do so, the cut-off date for enrolment is generally 2 months prior to an election.
Residents Roll
If you are enrolled on the State Electoral Roll and you are listed on that Roll as living at an address within the Shire of Gingin (regardless of whether you own the property or not), then you will be automatically included on the Residents Roll for this Shire.
The Residents Roll is maintained by the WA Electoral Commission. If you are not already on the State electoral roll and you meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, then you must complete an enrolment form which can be downloaded from the WA Electoral Commission website.
You can also check your enrolment details by visiting the Commission’s website.
Any enquiries about the Residents Roll should be directed to the WA Electoral Commission - 13 63 06 (WA only) or (08) 9214 0400.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll
The Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll is maintained by the Shire of Gingin. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for inclusion on the Residents Roll then you can apply for inclusion on the Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll if:
- You are an owner of or occupy rateable property within the Shire of Gingin; and
- are enrolled as an elector for the Legislative Assembly or the Hours of Representatives in respect of a residence outside the Shire of Gingin; and
- have made a successful eligibility claim that still has effect under s. 4.33 of the Local Government Act 1995 (LG Act),
If you are not an Australian citizen, you;
- have been enrolled for the last local government election before 1 July 1996
- continuously owned or occupied a rateable property in the same district for all those years
- not obtained Australian citizenship since that election (and thereby being able to enrol via another means).
Therefore a person who is enrolled to vote in a State or Federal election outside a district or ward, but who owns or occupies a rateable property in a local government district or ward, may claim eligibility and be enrolled to vote in elections for that district or ward.
However, there are additional requirements to be considered when assessing an enrolment claim, including requirements under the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997.
When determining eligibility, the term owner means
- the holder of an estate of freehold
- the holder of an interest via contract with the Crown (State)
- the holder of the right to acquire or purchase in fee simple
- a crown lease holder (or tenant) which the terms of the lease provides they are required to pay rates
- a trustee, executor, administrator, attorney, or agent of a holder
- the holder of a licensee to take profit of Crown land
- the holder of certain tenements under the Mining Act 1978 and the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967.
The LG Act and the Election Regs impose a series of requirements and tests on occupier claims. To make a claim of occupation, the claimant must have a written lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument, such as a licence to occupy to evidence a claim of a right of occupation to rateable property. They must have held a right of occupation for 12 months prior to making their claim and have a right of occupation which will last for at least 3 months following the claim.
The Election Regs set out a series of requirements for a person to be enrolled as an occupier including:
- that they must have quiet enjoyment (exclusive occupation) of their occupied property
- they must be able to secure their occupied property from intruders
- they must genuinely operate or intend to operate their business from that property
- they must lease at least 10m2 of property, subject to a series of exclusions
- they must pay a minimum amount of rent for the property.
Local government CEOs have a responsibility to ensure a free and fair election. This includes ensuring that those enrolled to vote have an actual entitlement to be enrolled.
Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form - Owner or Co-owner
Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form - Occupier or Co-occupier
Joint Owners and Occupiers
Where rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves to be enrolled on the Shire’s Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll and to vote on their behalf. The nominees must be enrolled on either the State or Commonwealth electoral roll.
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Nomination by Group of Owners/Occupiers
A body corporate which owns or occupies rateable property within the Shire of Gingin may nominate two persons to be enrolled on the Shire’s Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll and to vote on its behalf. The nominees must be enrolled on either the State or Commonwealth electoral roll.
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Nomination by Body Corporate
Please contact the Shire’s Rates Department on (08) 9575 5100 or by emailing rates@gingin.wa.gov.au for further advice on applying for inclusion on the Shire of Gingin Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll.
Further Information
Electors can obtain further information with respect to local government elections (including how to enrol to vote prior to the next local government elections) from the following links:
Western Australian Electoral Commission
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries