Filming or Photography in a Public Place

If you wish to undertake filming or photography in a public place within the Shire of Gingin please complete this online Application.  An Application is not required for family snaps in the park, at the beach, etc.

Completion of the Filming or Photography Request Application Form is the first step in gaining approval to undertake your assignment within the Shire of Gingin.  Please provide as much information as possible.  It is recommended that this Application Form be submitted at least three weeks prior to your intended filming or photography date.

Please note that if your assignment is scheduled within school holidays, on a weekend or a public holiday the area may be very busy with visitors and other users.

Note that there are location restrictions including within the Lancelin Off-Road Vehicle Area (LORVA), and filming/photography conditions that apply within the Shire of Gingin.

For additional information relating to drone usage please refer to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) website

Filming or Photography location*This field is required.

Type of Filming or Photography*This field is required.
Type of Filming or Photography*This field is required.

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