Replacement Bin Request Form

Use this form to request a replacement bin.

  • Please be aware that it is the property owner/ratepayer's responsibility to ensure the bin does not get stolen or wilfully damaged. A replacement fee is applicable if this occurs. See the Shire's Fees & Charges for the cost to replace.
  • If the bin is damaged due to wear and tear, a replacement bin will be provided free of charge. The waste contractor driver will advise the Shire if the damage is due to wear and tear or not.
  • If the replacement fee is applicable, the bin will not be delivered until payment has been received.
  • The waste contractor will aim to deliver the replacement bin on the next collection day, or as soon as possible.
  • Tenants: requests for replacement bins must be authorised by the property owner or property agent/manager.
Which bin needs replacing?*
Reason for needing replacement bin/s:*

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png
I confirm I have read the Shire's Fees & Charges and agree to pay the cost of a replacement bin (if applicable).*
I confirm I am the owner/ratepayer of the abovementioned property.*

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