Development Application for Proposed Composting Facility - Lot 7779 Wannamal Road West, Cullulla

Published on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at 3:03:41 PM

The Shire of Gingin has received a development approval application for a composting facility on Lot 7779 Wannamal Road West, Cullulla.

With respect to the abovementioned proposed development, the following summary is provided:

  • The facility will consist of a 25-hectare (ha) area, with the first stage comprising of a 7-hectare area.

  • Composting of green waste, municipal-collected materials (food organics, green organics), grease trap waste and manures, and other high nitrogen wastes.

  • The composting facility will receive 200,000 tonnes of composting material per annum (pa), including 40ML of liquid waste, producing an output of 100,000 tonnes of compost per annum.

  • The proposal will generate up to 65 semi-trailer movements and 6 light vehicle movements per day on Wannamal Road West.

Submissions should be lodged within 28 days from the date of this notice (by 4.00pm, 22 May 2024).

Submissions in relation to this proposal should be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive Officer either by post to the Shire of Gingin, PO Box 510, Gingin WA 6503 or by email to

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal can be viewed at the links below:

Statewest Planning letter 05 April 2024

Traffic Impact Assessment

Bushfire Management Plan

Fauna Survey

Office Plans

Revised Site Plan

Revised Stockpile Plan

Revised Total Site Plan

Alternatively, to view the proposal in hardcopy, please attend the Shire of Gingin Administration Centre, located at 7 Brockman Street, Gingin or the Lancelin Office, 255 Vins Way, Lancelin during office hours.


Aaron Cook

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