Published on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 12:52:39 PM
On Thursday 5 December, 20 Shire of Gingin volunteers had the privilege of attending the Annual Garden Party event in the beautiful gardens of Government House, hosted by Volunteering WA.
A total of 730 volunteers from various volunteer organisations around the State gathered to celebrate International Volunteer Day at Government House – and making this event particularly special for our region was the fact that the Shire of Gingin was one of only two regional shires represented at the event, with the other being the Shire of Chittering.
Our volunteers enjoyed a beautiful champagne afternoon tea while being addressed by a number of guest speakers including:
His Excellency, Chris Dawson AC APM - Governor of Western Australia
Hon. Don Punch MLA - Minister for Regional Development, Disability Services, Fisheries, Seniors and Ageing, & Volunteering
Mrs Tonya McCusker AM - Director of the McCusker Charitable Foundation
Mr Craig Spencer – Volunteering WA Chair
Ms Tina Williams – Volunteering WA CEO
The use of community buses to transport our volunteers was well-received by attendees, making their journey to the event even more enjoyable.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend heartfelt thanks to all our incredible volunteers who give so much of themselves for the betterment of our community. The 2024 Annual Garden Party was the first time the Shire of Gingin was able to attend, and we hope it is the beginning of many more opportunities to celebrate and recognize our amazing volunteers.

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