For anyone planning to spend the Labour Day long weekend in Guilderton, please be aware that there is still a health warning in place for Moore River.
Further to previous updates, the water conditions have not changed since the warnings were first issued, and the Department of Health and the Shire are continuing to advise that people avoid swimming and direct water contact activities in Moore River at this time.
People who choose swim in Moore River while the warning signs are displayed may be at increased risk of gastrointestinal illness.
The Shire is continuing to monitor microbial water quality, and we will provide further updates as information comes to hand.
Anyone who has entered Moore River and experiences symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, should seek medical attention and request testing through their GP.
They are also encouraged to notify WA Health’s Environmental Health Directorate on 9222 2000 (during office hours) or email