Published on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 3:57:37 PM
Further to health warning advice from the Department of Health (WA Health) and Shire of Gingin concerning several health illnesses from swimming at Moore River last month, we wish to advise that the health warning remains in place and people are advised to continue avoiding swimming and all other direct water contact activities in the river.
WA Health has confirmed cases of norovirus in people who have swum in Moore River at Guilderton in recent weeks.
According to WA Health, norovirus is very contagious and is one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis (vomiting and/or diarrhoea) in WA. It is possible that there are still viable norovirus particles in the river, as the virus can survive for up to 3 weeks.
People who continue to swim in Moore River while the warning signs are displayed may be at increased risk of gastrointestinal illness.
Anyone who has entered Moore River and experiences symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, should seek medical attention and request testing through their GP.
They are also encouraged to notify WA Health’s Environmental Health Directorate on 9222 2000 (during office hours) or email
Importantly, WA Health advises that anyone with gastrointestinal illness not to swim in public swimming pools or the river until they are free of symptoms for at least 48 hours to avoid passing the illness on to others. Further information on how to prevent illness is available in the Norovirus Fact Sheet at
The Shire of Gingin will continue to monitor microbial water quality, liaise with WA Health, and provide updates as information comes to hand.
Further information regarding water quality, tips for healthy swimming, and norovirus is available on the WA Health website
- For any health illness reports, or health-related enquiries, please contact WA Health - (08) 9222 2000 or
- For any Shire-related enquiries please contact James Bayliss, Executive Manager Regulatory & Development Services – (08) 9575 5100 or
Shire of Gingin media contact:
Meredith Taylor
T: (08) 9575 5150

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