Special Meeting of Electors - Change of Date

Published on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 at 9:26:24 AM

The previously advertised date of 6 August 2024 for this meeting has been changed.

In accordance with s.5.28 of the Local Government Act 1995, a Special Meeting of Electors of the Shire of Gingin will be held on 13 August 2024 at the Granville Civic Centre, Weld Street, Gingin commencing at 6.00pm.

The meeting has been requested by the required number of electors to discuss the following:

  1. That the Council defers voting to adopt the Coastal Hazard Management Assessment Plan (CHRMAP) as is proposed for the Council meeting to be held in July 2024.

  2. That the Councillors comply with Council policy to act for and in the interests of the ratepayers they represent and recognize the overwhelming rejection of the CHRMAP recommendations.

  3. That the Council amend the CHRMAP to incorporate the comments and recommendations from the 2023 public consultation process and report whether the recommended proposed changes set out in Table 8 of the CHRMAP (commencing page 258) have been adopted, to what extent and why.

  4. That the Council re-engage with the public concerning the (amended) plan as outlined by the International Association of Public Participation (IAPP) and the Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning Guidelines issued by the WA Dept of Planning, Lands and Heritage and Western Australian Planning Commission (dated July 2019).

  5. That the Council comply with the governance requirements outlined in section VI of the IAPP and engage a Steering Committee throughout all aspects of the process.


Aaron Cook


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