Do you have an exciting idea for a project or event that will benefit the Shire of Gingin community? Each year, the Shire provides financial support to local community organisations and groups for projects and events planned for the following financial year.
Download the information sheet below to see what funding is available and if you are eligible.
Community Projects (up to $10,000)
This grant is available for events and projects that support the focus areas from the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan that enable a thriving community.
If your project involves upgrades to public areas or buildings, please contact us prior to applying as a Concept Enquiry is generally required.
To find out more and to apply for a Community Project grant see link below:
Community Projects - Guidelines, Application Form & Agreement
Public Liability Insurance Grant
Public Liability Insurance (PLI) is important for groups to have, but it can be expensive. This grant is available to cover 50% of a group’s Public Liability Insurance up to a maximum of $500.
Starting in 2023/24 PLI grants will be approved in three-year cycles. New groups who apply in 2024/25 will be approved for two years, and groups who apply in 2025/26 will be approved for one year.
To find out more and to apply for a PLI grant see link below:
PLI - Guidelines, Application Form & Agreement
Council Budget Request (over $10,000)
This grant is for larger scale projects that require more than $10,000 of funding from the Shire. If your project involves upgrades to public areas or buildings, please contact us prior to applying as a Concept Enquiry is generally required.
To find out more and to apply for Council Budget Request funding see link below:
Council Budget Request - Guidelines, Application Form & Agreement
Funding Assistance Scheme
This grant runs in three-year cycles and is for ongoing activities such as environmental restoration or tourism initiatives. This stream will re-open for applications in February 2026.
Acquittal Form
Acquitting a grant means accurately reporting on the funded activities and the expenditure of the funding. Grant acquittal reports are required on completion of your project, and are used to confirm that the funding has been used for the purpose intended in the funding application and to demonstrate the terms of the funding agreement have been met.
You are required to acquit your successful grant by 31 May 2025.
If you need any assistance or have any questions regarding your acquittal, please contact our Grants Officer on
Community Funding Acquittal Report
Infrastructure Projects
If your proposed project is for new fixed infrastructure or additions, alterations and/or improvements to existing Shire infrastructure/assets then you will need to seek Shire approval in the first instance.
For more information visit the Shire's Projects - Shire Land/Assets web page to read the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ fact sheet and if applicable complete the ‘Concept Enquiry’ form.
Note: The completion and submission of a Concept Enquiry ideally is required a few months prior to the Shire of Community Grants Program round (other applicable grant rounds) at the concept stage of the project to ensure that:
- It is supported by the Shire; and
- Enough time has been allowed to develop the project with the appropriate planning and information to support a grant application.
Other Non-Shire Grant Opportunities
When other organisations have grant funding on offer the Shire shares this information via the Shire of Gingin Community Newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter then please visit our Newsletters page on the Shire's website.
For list of grants available on a regular basis, please view as follows:
Should you have any queries please contact the Shire’s Community Development & Services Team on (08) 9575 5100 or at