Published on Monday, 6 February 2023 at 3:42:04 PM
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has advised that Amazon frogbit is a declared pest in WA.
Amazon frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is a highly invasive aquatic weed that is native to Central and South America.
Amazon frogbit has been informally available within the aquatic plant community where it has been promoted for use within private ponds and aquariums. Due to its invasive nature, the plant has the potential to cause widespread devastation in freshwater systems by displacing native vegetation, impacting water quality, and congesting drains, waterways and wetlands.
In Western Australia, outbreaks of this species in the environment have increased since it was first identified in 2013 at the Liege Street Wetland in Cannington.
Amazon frogbit spreads rapidly via fragments that are readily detached from the parent plant. Each plant fragment can produce multiple seed pods with each pod containing 20-30 seeds that are viable for at least three years. The plant fragments and seeds are buoyant and therefore readily transported in flowing water (see flyer below for more information).
Due to the increasing environmental impact and cost associated with control of this species, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has categorised Amazon frogbit as a declared species in Western Australia under the Biosecurity and Agricultural Management Act 2007.
The flyer below details how you can help control this pest weed.
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